Preston's mom
"We have been going to Jamie's since 2013 and my son just loves it. They are so kind and caring. An amazing preschool. Very warm and inviting. The people I have met over the years have become like family to us. In my darkest times this preschool showed me some light!"
—Preston's mom
Grace's mom

"Jamie’s was our only outing and outlet for three years. It gave us connections with others we will cherish for life. Jamie's made everything that seemed so very wrong in the world at that time OK."
—Grace's mom

A safer haven for kids with fragile immune systems

Pandemic Response:

We apologize to those who need Jamie's Preschool but we believe we cannot safely provide our classes during a pandemic.  We have sadly suspended classes indefinitely.  We wish all of our large extended Jamie's Preschool family a safe journey through this pandemic.

Welcome to Jamie's Preschool

Jamie’s Preschool provides a rich program of play, learning and support for children facing cancer, blood disorders, organ transplants and other critical illnesses. Founded in 1986 by parents of Calgary cancer patients, Jamie’s operates as an independent, registered charity and is one of North America's only early childhood education programs that serves immune-compromised children.

Contact us to learn more!


Our thanks to the Flames and friends!

In April Jamie's teacher Mrs. Howe, founder Sheri Ewing, and Sheri's son and the school's namesake Jamie (pictured above with Flames mascot Harvey the Hound), were thrilled to be invited to a Flames game for a cheque presentation from the Annual Texas Hold 'Em Charity Tournament hosted by the Calgary Flames Ambassadors and Calgary Flames.

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We are so grateful for your gifts!

Big thanks go out to the following organizations and groups for their recent generous donations to Jamie's Preschool: Calgary South Rotary Partners, Calgary Hitmen/Petro-Canada Teddy Bear Toss, Calgary Flames Poker Tournament, Kinderhouse Preschool, Sinopec Daylight Energy, Energy Fore Friends, Nickle Family Foundation, and Noah Epp's Ride 4 a Reason/The Provident Foundation.

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Jamie's founder honoured for community service 

Sheri Ewing, president of Jamie's Preschool since she founded the school with other parents 26 years ago, has been recognized by the governments of Canada and Alberta for outstanding public service. Sheri was presented with a Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal by Premier Alison Redford and Lieutenant-Governor Donald Ethell in a ceremony in Calgary last November, in honour of her significant achievements and contributions to the community.

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Another SWABS Merry Christmas 

It just wouldn't be Christmas at Jamie's without Santa and his friends from the Southwestern Alberta Benevolent Society!

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Hockey Marathon scores big for kids with cancer

Jamie's student Christian Crowell was proud to support the players in the Hockey Marathon in Chestermere, May 6–16, 2012. Congratulations and a heartfelt thank you from our community to the teams, organizers, helpers and supporters! The event was a tremendous success, raising more than $1.5-million for the Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation to support pediatric oncology treatment and research.

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