Preston's mom
"We have been going to Jamie's since 2013 and my son just loves it. They are so kind and caring. An amazing preschool. Very warm and inviting. The people I have met over the years have become like family to us. In my darkest times this preschool showed me some light!"
—Preston's mom
Grace's mom

"Jamie’s was our only outing and outlet for three years. It gave us connections with others we will cherish for life. Jamie's made everything that seemed so very wrong in the world at that time OK."
—Grace's mom


So many thanks to our friends in the community!

We can't say enough how much we appreciate the kindness and generosity of our community partners. In Calgary and beyond special individuals and groups make it possible for our students and their families to enjoy sheltered opportunities in the community and some good old holiday fun. Endless thanks to our friends at Loose Moose Theatre for Kids, at Kananaskis Emergency Services, Kananaskis Village and Boundary Ranch; and to the wonderful SWABS organization who make sure our students don't miss out on the joys of trick-or-treating and a visit with Santa. There are others who choose to remain nameless. Thank you all!