We are so grateful for your gifts!
Mar 27, 2013
Jamie's Preschool

Big thanks go out to the following organizations and groups for their recent generous donations to Jamie's Preschool: Calgary South Rotary Partners, Calgary Hitmen/Petro-Canada Teddy Bear Toss, Calgary Flames Poker Tournament, Kinderhouse Preschool, Sinopec Daylight Energy, Energy Fore Friends, Nickle Family Foundation, and Noah Epp's Ride 4 a Reason/The Provident Foundation. We are so grateful for your contributions as we gear up for the school's relocation, facing significantly increased costs associated with renovations and lease expenses. We are very excited about our pending move to a brand new, dedicated classroom closer to the Alberta Children's Hospital, and thank you for helping to make it possible!

Article originally appeared on A safer haven for kids with cancer and fragile immune systems (http://www.jamiespreschool.ca/).
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