Preston's mom
"We have been going to Jamie's since 2013 and my son just loves it. They are so kind and caring. An amazing preschool. Very warm and inviting. The people I have met over the years have become like family to us. In my darkest times this preschool showed me some light!"
—Preston's mom
Grace's mom

"Jamie’s was our only outing and outlet for three years. It gave us connections with others we will cherish for life. Jamie's made everything that seemed so very wrong in the world at that time OK."
—Grace's mom


We love our new trikes!

Another school year begins and It's so exciting to welcome many new families and welcome back so many familiar faces! Our 2014-15 year opened with a wonderful addition to our classroom resources of three brand new, beautiful red tricycles—a gift in memory of our special friend Carter James Macza, who passed away 10 years ago in June 2014. We are honoured that Carter's Aunt Dianne and Uncle Dean chose to mark this special milestone, and what would have been Carter's 15th birthday last August, with a lasting gift to Jamie's that would honour the joys Carter had here and share them with others. We remain very grateful for the blessings our dear Carter continues to inspire at Jamie's Preschool. Many thanks to the Oultons and Readmans for their ongoing support of our program and to Dianne and Dean for their generous and meaningful gift!